The Ultimate guide to keyword research in 2020 (works fast)

The Ultimate Guide to keyword research in 2020 (works fast) Hello, guys do you want to choose the best keyword to rank high on Google so here is the ultimate guide to keyword research for you. here we will cover the following topics: Chapters Chapter no. 1: keyword research basics Chapter no. 2: keyword research tools Chapter no. 3: How to choose a keyword? Chapter no.4: Analysis of keywords Chapter no. 5: Keyword placement Chapter no.1: Basics What is Keyword? A keyword is a word that tells the search engine that the customer is searching for which topic than search engine shows suitable content that will be helpful according to Google. It is a very important thing in SEO. It is important because if you don’t mention the correct keyword in your post then the Google spiders will not rank your post so you should mention your keyword properly in the title and you shoul...