How Search engine works 3 step process |The Best g
In this guide we will learn how search engine works. As we all know if we want our content to be on 1st position we need to understand it. So we will learn about this in three parts. The following are the three parts we are going to learn today: Crawling Indexing Serving or Ranking you can also refer to this Google Search console guide if you want to know about it in detail. Summary Crawling In crawling search engines like Google send Google bots or Google's spiders which find different pages all over the web they see the updated and old content they see everything they go to a new page or new website by a link that's why Backlinks are important Ranking factors because if search engine don't know about your content then they will not rank it and you will not get good chunk of visitors to your blog. How Searching bots can reach to your content? Now there are various ways by which Searching bots can reach out to your content some of them are: Through backl...