11 Best Free keyword research tools in 2020

11 Best Free keyword research tools  in

Do you want to increase your traffic and are you searching for best keyword tools in 2020

So here is a list of best keyword tools that can drastically increase your traffic.

I have increased my traffic by 90% by using this technique.

Read the full post because I have mentioned some pro tips and bonus tips for you so read it

The keyword is a phrase that tells you that on which topic your customers are engaged as we all
know search engines like Google wants a complete solution for their potential customers so you
need to have a post that uses search intent and you need keyword ideas which make the crawlers
understand your post properly 

 My niche is SEO ( search engine optimization ) so if I make a blog post on its sub-topics like
Backlinks so it would be my main keyword. 

Keyword tools
It is not easy to find keywords which can easily rank because many other people are searching for
them and they create content that is much better because of that keyword difficulty is high you
need to find keywords that your competitors do not have so, keyword planner helps you to find
the keyword that is relevant to your sub-topic and by using them you can increase your traffic. 

I have covered this whole blog post is  one which is for those who want to use free keyword
research tool 

Free keyword research tools

These all tools you can use for free and you can trust them easily and I will also tell you how you
can use these tools to make your post awesome. 

Keywords everywhere

I know its difficult to get keywords in one click that are relevant to your specific topic 
This is an extension by using it you can get as many keywords to your topic you want it shows you
what are the volume and related things like keyword difficulty, CPC and many other things it also

Why you should use it?

It is easy to use show all necessary things need for finding keywords it gives you awesome
keywords with SEO quake its another extension 

     Google Trends 

It is one of my favorite tool which I use generally.  You can trust this tool because this tool is made
by Google. 

It shows that a specific keyword is mostly used in which regions of the world and it also gives
keyword suggestions by using it you can also see the trend of a specific keyword by using it you
can also find how much people in the world are doing a keyword search on that particular topic. 

I like it because it also gives us a compare feature which we can not generally find in a free tool. 

Why you should use it?

We know that if our post ranks on Google we can get a big chunk of traffic that we can not
imagine also so if we use the Google keywords which are suggested by Google only so it is best
and we have a good chance to rank on Google. 

It visualizes the data in form of a graph which is attractive and it has a by using it you can see
the past data also in an attractive manner.  

So why we leave this chance to rank high on google. But you should also use related search

Google keyword is the best.

Answer the Public 

It is not easy to make your post rank on the Google result page so people are making their
post as featured snippets and a single featured snippet takes 30% of traffic on any keyword. 

As I said Google wants a complete solution for his customer’s problem but sometimes
top-ranking pages can answer their problems answer so you have seen some pages with
Youtube videos or pictures or people may ask option that is featured snippet because Google
thinks that they can answer to your problem.  This there free version.

Because of their title answers any particular question. 

Anwer the public gives you questions that you can use to make your post featured snippet and
it also helps in link building because if your article is good then many people will link to your site

If you will ask me the best longtail keyword research tool then I will mention it only. Long tail

Google Adwords 

We all know that Adwords keywords are awesome and it is a complete tool it shows you
competition keywords, related terms, list of keywords and search volume so what do we need
more I do not think that you need anything more if you are using Google Adwords. For this, you
should have an Adwords account.

By using it you can increase your SERP’s rank 

Why we should use it? 

It provides you everything and the feature I like most is sometimes when we are finding
keyword then we have to go somewhere and sometimes we lose our data but here we can
select our keywords on which we want to do work. 

It also tells that the major portion of the keyword which you are searching for is mostly used by
which device. But it does not show the real organic search or organic traffic if any keyword has
12000 monthly searches then it will show like this 10k-100k. 

Question hub 

Answer the public you will get a list of keywords and you do not know on which keyword you
should work to attain a high amount of traffic so here is another tool offered by Google if Google
is only telling you the keywords which are really Good and you make a great content then no
one can stop you. 

It shows the Long tail keywords which are asked by people and we want that only question
hub gives you those questions directly. 

Why should I choose it? 
No one can rank by using tools in one night you need to be smart enough to attract customers
and it is highly impossible to rank on a very tough keyword so you need this tool. 


Do you want something more looking for best-upgraded tools so here is one of them
Many of you have heard about Neil Patel the owner of Ubersuggest which is the tool required
for professional blogging. 

If you will ask me what things it has? 

My answer would be you should ask me what thing it does not have it is the complete package it
has a backlink checker shows you which post is getting traffic from social media shows your
keyword difficulty, CPC, from which website it has made links, tells the anchor text used to make

It is amazing and beginners should use it they will get a lot of benefits from using it.


Google is also a tool when you type your keyword Google gives search queries you can use them
as your relevant or main keyword it also shows you the question put up by people and keyword
difficulty. It gives you the main idea that which keyword you can choose. You can also do related
searches. You can find New keywords also in that which can give you a lot of benefits. 

 Why you should choose it?

By using it you can grow or increase your organic search and organic traffic if you select the
right keywords and you use them correctly then your chances are high and can you imagine that
these tools are not so famous and very fewer people use them so there are large chances that
you can get unique keywords that your competitor does not have. You can also use Google Search

You can get low competition and good keyword data from it and the best thing is this that
it is a free tool 


Have you heard of a brand Spyfu so I want to say that Spyfu has announced that it is giving
spyfu basic plan for free they have mentioned it in there blog and I have used it for free so I can
tell you that you can enjoy that great tool for free. You can also do competitor research also by
using this tool. 

They give you suggestions and they have a bunch of tools for you which you can avail for free
here you get backlinks checker, keyword research tool and the tool shows you exact data of any
keyword it gives you relevant keywords which have a high volume in them and they pull out for
you those keywords the pro feature is how much traffic they are getting from organic search
and from ads by which you can set your target easily. 

Do you know one thing that in the market there is a free word counter tool for you by which you
can analyze your competitor’s post easily. 

There is no reason in the fact that why you should not use this amazing tool. Clear SEO strategy.
People are searching for something useful for them so your content must fulfill this need of
people. The searcher is thinking about him not about you. 

If you can afford money then you should use Ahrefs or Moz you can also use SEMrush 

Link building would be easy if you have these tools with you. 


It is a unique tool that pulls the keyword out from Reddit. You have to enter a keyword in place of
subreddit and you will amazing content ideas for your products and services. 

If you suppose that you have search paleo diet in it then you will get Sub keywords like:

  • Slow cooker recipe
  • Low-fat diet
  • Grass-fed butter 
It has a high monthly searches.

Bonus tip 

Sometimes it might happen that you have written a great post and it is having tons of backlinks
but then also you are not on the first page of Google do you know the reason behind it the simple
reason is CDN, Bounce rate and your page speed. 
First, I do not believe this fact but then I check my page speed with page insights and I  noticed
that my mobile page speed was slow so, after that, I do research on it and then I know that this is
because of CDN and web hosting. 

If it is a new term for you must need to read it fully CDN boost your page speed and takes it to a
new level. According to Amazon if your website is loading 1 sec late also then you can lose more
than 20000 visitors. 

It is a big amount and nobody wants to lose it so you should use CDN for more information you
can see a video of Neil Patel on increasing website speed and Cloudfare is the best free CDN
that you can use or you can change your hosting provider and you can use Bluehost. 

I have a discount for you on Bluehost and this time from 1 April 60  days money-back guarantee
has started so there is no issue of buying hosting and they are giving you this at affordable price. 

Your domain authority also matters so you should give priority to it also. 

Keyword tool.io

Are you searching for a tool that can also help in finding keywords in amazon, Youtube, Google,
and many other platforms also so keywordtool.io is best and most suitable for you it brought
keyword suggestions from different platforms. 

It is helpful for those who are digital marketers or there strategy is to the first rank on other

Keyword sheeter

It is another awesome tool for finding New keywords which have high monthly searches it has
filter option by which you can do positive filter and you will get positive keywords but you can
also do negative filter and you can choose Negative keywords. 

The Negative filter removes the keyword that you have written but the positive filter does the
opposite of negative filter. 


Have you heard about this awesome tool that finds keywords from different platforms for you and
suggests the best keywords for you which give you benefits in the long term and many fewer
people know about this tool. It is like a keyword generator


So here I and you get that we not only need keyword planners to write a post we need to focus
on other things also here is a list of keyword tools and some tips that can help you and increase
your conversion rate and many other things also. I have mentioned the pro’s and con’s of them
so you should read it I prefer you that if you have any doubt or we have forgotten to write any
other free keyword tools then you should inform us by commenting or by contacting us you can
reach us through this email guidingseo@gmail.com

There are other tools which free tools but these are best among them. These tools will also help
in better content creation. You can also do keyword
analysis with them. By this your post rank will also
improve in other Search engine.

Hey guys do you know that I have made a brand new blog
SEO Moz and there is an awesome post on SEO


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