7 Actionable SEO techniques for a beginner

7 Actionable and simple keyword research techniques and tips with a full guide 

Get traffic from keywords , SEO and Power of Social Sharing

Yes, you are in the right place if you want tricks to increase visitors and want to get shares. Hello friends how are you? I think all you are fine if you are not fine you will be soon fine I pray to God. 


What is the keyword ? You have a question many of you know about it but the person who not known can read this paragraph and others can leave it. The keyword means the main word on which are writing posts is called a keyword . You can see many times a word is repeating that is called keyword it is a very important part of SEO and Ranking. On the basis of keyword, your earnings and CPC implies also decided. 

 what is SEO 

Do you hear about SEO yes you can also get traffic from SEO it is the biggest thing in the blogger SEO? Seo means search engine optimization means SEO. what is SEO this is the biggest theory in blogger 

  Keywords full guide 

If you want to know a good that which keyword you should include in the post how much is its search volume and what will be your earnings from your post. You should use two tools only for its Keywords everywhere and Google AdWords. Yes here you will get all information about keywords including its search volume, CPC ( Cost per Click ) and competition in keyword everywhere in Google AdWords you will not get competitors or competitions information and in keyword everywhere you have to only install and search into Google your keyword and it will tell all information and it also suggest keywords which gives you a good keyword to rank easily you will see some change in your visitors after doing this. 

Method of writing post 

Yes, your visitors depending upon the method of writing your blog post also you can learn the method of writing a blog post by going to this website. 

Power of Social Sharing 

7 Actionable SEO techniques for a beginner

Yes, you hear right Power of Social Sharing in it your visitors if like your post they share and their friends or relatives see and we get visitors from it you can see there are social buttons below my every post and they are floating also which gives a cool and good impact to share your post. You can also do this by doing some steps told by me.
Open your search engine and search quickly Add this when you will search you have to click on the first link. 

Now sign up or sign in and now there will come many options dashboard, tools and Analysis click on tools. 

Now click on the new tool and there will come another page click on first option Share buttons and now click on continue and now click on Activate tool and now there will come code you have to paste that code if you are using the computer you can add in theme section but if you are not using computer click on layout new gadget and paste the code and save now click on save arrangement above. 

Notification bell 

Yes, it is also called web push notification here if users will allow this notification they will receive notifications when you will post new posts. 

Yes, you can do it you have to search web push notification or search Let's reach you have to click on that link. 

Now sign in or sign up after it you have to submit your site and if you have a logo on your website so you can also paste it and now paste the code in layout section and click on add a gadget and choose Html / other code and now click save and now click on upper save arrangement button if you are using a mobile if you are using computer paste it in the theme section. 

How to get traffic from Pinterest and Social media networking sites? 

Now I will tell you that how you can create traffic from Social media networking sites I will tell in Pinterest you will do in rest media networking sites. Go to Pinterest and create an account and fill details when your account will create you will choose those things which are related to your website like if my website is related to health so I will choose health and web design and other topics now after choosing your interests new page will load there will be three options below in last third option you can see your name's first letter you have to click there and now click on create board button name and do all these things and now you have to create pins in your board you have to fill your website's address if your pin will be good users will come and click on your website which will generate traffic to your website. 

Can keywords actually work in SEO rankings? 

Yes SEO ranking is affected by keywords 
Keywords decide your rankings it is not worth yet using the right keyword helps to get higher google rankings. 

Best niche with high CPC opportunity

  • Insurance
  • Loans
  • Mortgage
  • Attorney
  • Credit
  • Lawyer

Best niches in SEO with high CPC opportunity 

  • SEO explanation
  • Digital marketing degree Florida 
  • Online courses on digital marketing
  • SEO specialists  
If you want to learn more about finding  keywords click here 


Bye friends now the time comes we have to go here I tell you about the power of sharing and many things and about SEO also. If you will start using these methods your visitors will start increasing efficiently. Bye and Thank you for watching my post. Keyword research is must if you want to do SEO so here our keyword research guide for you click this link 

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