How to write an awesome blog post

 How to write an article or how to improve article writing

How to write or how to improve article writing

Hey, my buddy, everything is going fine and it should be fine but if it is not going fine so it will be fine when you will read me this post here I have given some tips to write a good blog post with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation ). 

What are the benefits of writing a good blog post? 

Writing an awesome blog post with full SEO has many benefits but 
I will tell you some of the benefits: 
Writing a good blog posts helps to get good and fast ranking in Google. 

Gives awesome look to post which gives a long and impressive impression to users to trust and share it with your blog post. 

Awesome blog post tells Google it is very good and it has some extra information after that Google promotes your blog or blog post automatically and free.

With the help of an awesome blog post, you can get backlinks by submitting a guest post on websites. 

 Methods of writing an awesome blog post with full SEO in 2019 

First, know about your topic properly and invest it properly what is its search volume how many people are searching for that keyword per month. 

Always start your blog post with greetings. It is a manner to write a blog post as you can see in my every blog post I start it from greetings it gives a good impression. It is not so necessary 

When writing a blog post search The best content for your blog post which can rank easily in Google and other search engines.

After searching The best content for your blog post. Know about what are you doing you must do this increases your knowledge and with the help of it, you can write a good blog post. 

The thing you are writing to see that it is useful or not. If it is not useful so leave it. 

Go to the pixabay images shop here you can select good and Royalty images they are free totally. 

After selecting a good photo which describes your blog post start writing your blog posts, first of all, give heading to your blog which gives a proper indication to visitors that what is our content. 

Then start writing greetings and give subheading and minor heading also in your blog and don't forget to use those photos in the right place. 

When you have to paste your photo in a blog post in right place click on it there will come many options but we have to work in the properties section only. 

In the properties, the section writes your main keyword in both the blanks. It is also called image optimization it is also a very important part of SEO. It means that if anybody is searching for any image and your image comes and that person clicks on that image your website will come. 

Give it a label and please don't do this mistake to give different - different labels give some labels minimum - 10 and maximum - 12 but in labels information that you are giving should be related to those posts. 

See that your main keyword is included in the link to your post. If it does not click in Custom link and include your main keyword and don't forget to click on the done button. 

It is very necessary to give a search description in the blog post. It is a part of SEO. 

Give examples to your visitors it helps to explain them properly. 

In the last give conclusion in your blog, in conclusion, you have to write what you have told or what you have done. 


Hello, friends thanks to all who visited my blog. Here I have told you how to write an awesome blog post with full SEO you can use these skills to write awesome blog posts. Thanks to all 
 Keyword-research guide for you click this link 

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