Do you want make Superior 🔥and the best blog 🔥ever in blogger

Do you want to make Superior 🔥 and the best blog🔥 ever in blogger 

Want make Superior 🔥and best blog 🔥 ever in blogger

First I want to tell that this whole instruction is for those people who want to make blog in blogger 
Hey, friends, you are in the right blog if you want to make Superior 🔥 and best blog 🔥 ever in blogger yes today I will tell you my mistakes and a guide to make a carrier in blogging. 

Why this topic? 

I am a blogger and I have fone a lot of mistakes in my blogging carrier. So, I was thinking about it then I got the sudden idea to make a guide on bloggers so, that many peoples don't do those mistakes which were committed by me so please I have given a deep knowledge about blogging does properly don't do any mistake like me. 

What is a blog ( a complete detail about the blog )? 

Do you have a question that what is blog what am I saying what is its benefit and many things fo I will tell you? The blog is similar to the website but the main difference between them is in the blog we write posts and it can be based on two or many topics but the website is based on only one topic that's the difference between blog and website.  For example, You can see here I have written many posts and on the website there you can not write many posts it is based on a single thing only. Everybody in this world does anything because of his or her motive so real motive to make a blog is earning here you can earn without investing money and some people come for fame and some people come for other reasons here. You can earn a million dollars if you are a Superior and the best blogger I have just started my blog and my traffic is increasing some percent but soon I will be also a Superior and best blogger


Yes, guys, you hear right in the previous paragraph you can earn money with making blogs and you can become a millionaire soon but you have just followed some steps to how to become a blogger so please listen to the instructions properly. Now let's start my lovely friends. 
Do you want to make superior blog

How to make an easy blog in blogger? 

Open your search engine quickly and search on it Blogger then you have to click in the first option then you have to sign in or sign up after it there will come a new screen and don't worry it is a Google product it is made in python language it is a programming language now you have to choose a The Best name which suits your blog and now you have to write your URL but in last it should be. blogspot . in or . blogspot . com you can see in this image but you can choose any URL for your website. After that you have to choose a template for your blog to get more information about template click here - template guide now clicks ok. 

Now you can understand properly. Remember one thing please select a good name and a good URL for your blog. 

Settings for blogger

The first setting we will do in Basic settings as you can see there is a Title box below it is a Description box there you have to write about your blog on which topic is it doesn't write any other thing except this.

Now Privacy box will come here you have to click on both listed on blogger and listed on search engine it means that you want everybody van to see your blog.

Now we will work in blog readers below the author's section there you have to do public. It means all can see your blog.

Search preferences settings 
Here we will work in the first blog means Meta tag and below it a description, it means meta description here you will also write about your blog it is also the same as description.

Now we will work in the Crawlers and indexing section now you have to create a sitemap for your website and you have to paste the full coding in the robot . txt section and you have to create your Google console account and you have to add their also your sitemap but there you will paste the last line URL


There is the section of a page in the blog as you can see in your blog there you have to write pages like contact us, Privacy policy, Terms and conditions, and Disclaimer these are important pages you must have these pages means you should not write these pages own you have to generate these pages by using pages generators like Privacy policy generator and other generators of you want to make pages you can search in your search engine.


Yes, template means design or style of a blog it is also a very important thing in blogger if you also want to choose a template or want to know about template so click here

Posts in blogger 

Yes, you have to write posts to start your earning so that people come in your blog I have written a post related to it you can see the awesome way to write posts It is very important you should try to write 7 posts per month and you have to write 25 posts minimum or you can write more. 

SEO ( Search engine optimization) 

It means ranking your posts by doing some methods I have also make many posts on it you can see. 

Register a domain and hosting 

We have to buy a domain and hosting if your blog is working good and you think now your blog is prepared for Google Adsence then only buy a domain and hosting it makes you real owner of your own blog. 

Requesting Google Adsence for approval 

If you have done all these things so give a request to Google Adsence for visiting your blog. I have also write post on this topic also you can see . You can see on the homepage 


I tell you in this blog how to make a blog in blogger now we have to say goodbye to you and don't forget to push the notification bell so that you can receive notifications of our new posts. Thank you goodbye to all.

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